Wednesday, January 13, 2010

After spending Thanksgiving in the hospital with a neurological issue that is still undiagnosed, I have come to the realization that I must have a natural talent to live. Several doctors and neurologist have told me they are astounded, after looking at the MRI and CT Scans, that I can function and cope as well as I am.

So this blog is a celebration of life. I will write articles in response to issues or events when inspired. I will also showcase photography, art and other crafts I accomplish. While I used to work for award winning design and marketing studios and ran my own business, I am now happily employed by my 11 month old son.


  1. What a great talent to have! Love the new blog, especially the fish!

  2. They are great. When you click on the fish area you are actually feeding the fish and they will flock to the spot you clicked.
