Saturday, January 23, 2010

Tin Man | Movie Review

Having spent my middle School years in Grand Raid, MN, I am very familiar with the 1939 version of the Wizard of Oz. Grand Rapids was the birth place of Judy Garland. The original yellow brick road from the movie is in the center of town. The coach the horse-of-a-different-color pulled Dorothy into the emerald city in is also housed in Grand Rapids.

I have watched the movie several times, it always appeared to whimsical and child like to me. While I have never read the book, becuase the movie didn't interest me enough  to do so, I imagined it was meant to be darker than it was portrayed.

Tin Man was a fantastic interpretation of L. Frank Baum's "The Wizard of Oz". It is an imaginative display of the original ideas of the Wizard. All the  main characters of the are still searching for the same things, but with more dimension and background story than the 1939 film provides. It is a Sci-Fi channel presentation, so look past some of the corniness that arises from time to time. The acting, unlike many reviews that I have read, was not that bad. The actors were able to capture an maintain their characters through out the entire series. The only exception to this was in the scarecrow's character called Glitch. In the first episode he is constantly repeating himself, then in the next couple episodes, he stops. I put that blame on the director and writers, not the actor.I am definitely planning on watching this again.

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