Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince | Movie Review

While the director remained the same from The Order of the Phoenix, this film reflected the maturity of the book over the previous five. The book was dark with some lighter over tones and I was delighted that David Yates didn't maintain the same depth of whimsical fun as he did in the Order of the Phoenix. In addition, I originally thought the composer for the Half-Blood Prince score was different, but I was proven wrong. I really enjoyed that the composer, Nicholas Hopper, followed the director's lead in making the music for this film a bit darker and more serious than the previous ones. 

Other details that struck me in this film were when Luna Lovegood blinks with the lion head on, the lion blinks too. Not every time mind you, but often enough to make it hysterical. Tom Felton, who played Draco Malfoy, did an exceptional job with his character in this movie. It was easy to find yourself feeling a bit bad for him. That is was clear he was not an evil character by nature but by circumstance.

All in all, my husband and I agree this was a great movie. In fact, in my opinion, this film had the best score and was the best directed out of all the Harry Potter movies so far.

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